Md. Al-Mamun and his endeavor

Md. Al-Mamun and his endeavor

Subir Sarkar, Manikganj

We all like to dream. But how many of us get to realize that dream of ours? Today, we will talk about a particular individual who not only realized his dreams, but did it with the help of all those he loves. Hailing from Soldhara village in Manikganj, Md. Al-Mamun, aged 30, has taken up the task of creating a beautiful society with the help of people from all classes regardless of ages, sex and occupations. With the help of the youth population, he primarily focuses on raising awareness among the people towards our nature and the environment that we live in and also in helping to meet the demands raised by local farmers in raising better and more sustainable crops.

DSC00106-604x345For this very specific work, Mamun has taken up an innovative process. He regularly gathers local youngsters and sits with them to discuss the local affairs of the society. They then take the advice from the elderly of their area to help solve problems that arise, such as early marriage, eve-teasing, dowry etc.

Working plainly from the weight if responsibility he feels towards the society, Mamun and the others have formed the Sholdhara Agragati Sangha. Through this particular organization, he has become connected on great terms with prominent and elderly members of his community. Among the many community services he provides are creating awareness about drugs, the importance of education in our society, the contribution of women in the locality and the significance of our country’s waterways for transportation. They hold festivities and fairs in order to unite all people of the area together. In consistence with this practice, they have celebrated 26 March, the independence day of Bangladesh in the village, together with the elderly and young, men and women. Through this, he teaches the young about the importance of the ’71 liberation war and brings out the intelligence of women of the society. And finally, the elderly share their priceless experiences with everyone, creating a homely atmosphere, enjoyable to all.DSC00146-300x225

With the help of this organization, Mamun and other young people of the area have helped 5 talented students if the village in their education this year. Along this, he also facilitates many events and activities that gears towards the development of the area such as anti-drugs campaigns, helping to plant trees in the village, helping out at festivities and enriching the talents of the women of the society. Although it is their efforts that have been used to capitalize the changes made in the Sholdhara village, all the people involved admit, without hesitation, that moral support came all the way from BARCIK.

This year, Mamun has a very different idea in mind. Together with the others, he plans to set up a library, for which he requires help from all sorts of people possible. Mamun believes that our nature is completely dependent on all life forms present. Without the diversity and beauty of our nature, no new life can be created, neither can we survive with such elegance. That is why, Mamun expresses his dreams of going forward in his life, helping all people and nature as much as he can.

Translated by Adit Narayan Adhikary


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